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Previous Grants

Previous Grants by Child and Nature Foundation

Grants in 2024



Elina Mantere and Chintana Seppä

Continuation of Länsäolon piiri project


€ 26.913,70

Green Care-keskus Könkkölä ry

Starting of the Könkkölä shore's nature school 


€ 29.000

Mika Saarenpää

Studying biodiversity garden samples (Doctoral thesis)


€ 10.000

MIELI Lounais-Suomen mielenterveys ry

Conversation help while walking in nature (project Helmassa)


€ 7.800

Grants in 2023


Elina Mantere & Chintana Seppä

Developing and testing a method that supports children's holistic well-being


€ 21.975,44

Yhdistävä Lääketiede ry

A study of the use and perceived effectiveness of the CAM in the Finnish adult population


€ 33.500

Grants in 2022


Raakel Silvennoinen

Babies nature bath project


€ 21.000

IkiOma Ikä ry

Taimitarha project


€ 13.070

Metropolia University of Applied Sciences

Touch as part of natural childcare


€ 17.800



Grants in 2021


Green Care Finland ry 

Nature package for newborn families


€ 15.000

Yhdistävä Lääketiede ry

A study of the use and perceived effectiveness of the CAM in the Finnish adult population


€ 45.000 

Metropolia University of Applied Sciences

Touch as part of natural childcare


€ 37.700



Grants in 2020



University of Turku

Biodiversity education in the botanical garden


€ 30.000 

Mika Saarenpää

Research on how nature recreation and nature tourism affect the diversity of microbial communities in the body and microbial immune control (Doctoral study)


€ 20.000

Dodo ry

The alphabet of urban farming


€ 7.000

Metropolia University of Applied Sciences

Touch as part of natural childcare


€ 12.650

Ulla Pulkka, Jenna Puikkonen ja Anna-Kaisa Varjus

Tivoli Utopia Junior future game


€ 10.500

Grants in 2019

MLL Strömsinlahti local association

Compassionate parenting guide


€ 23.500

Luontotaito ry

Nature guidebook


€ 8.000

Suomen luonto- ja ympäristökoulujen liitto ry

Ulos-Ut-Out 2020 project


€ 9.000

Vivika Mäkelä

Research on pedagogy and its impact on children's and youth's relationship with nature


€ 23.700

Mika Saarenpää

Research on how nature recreation and nature tourism affect the diversity of microbial communities in the body and microbial immune control (Doctoral study)


€ 30.200


Research on the effects of Terveysmetsä operations on the welfare and recovery of the outpatient care of a health center


€ 20.000 


Grants in 2018


Katri Savolainen

Pre-school in nature (post doc)


€ 29.000 

Pia Pannula Toft and Lisbeth Jul Olsen

Nature-based therapy programme


€ 6.700 

Marikki Arnkil

Eco-social primary school project


€ 24.000 

Luonnonlääketieteen keskusliitto LKL ry

Follow-up of a pilot study on treating babies with colic by using reflexology


€ 13.000 


Research on the effects of Terveysmetsä operations on the welfare and recovery of the outpatient care of a health center


€ 20.000 

Grants in 2017


Only Good Things ry

Lapinlahden Hyvinvointikeskus project


€ 25.000 


Research on the effects of Terveysmetsä operations on the welfare and recovery of the outpatient care of a health center  


€ 20.000 

Luonnonlääketieteen keskusliitto LKL ry

A pilot study on treating babies with colic by using reflexology


€ 31.278 

Suomen Terveysjärjestö STJ ry

Translating and publishing Pure, white and deadly book in Finnish


€ 9.500

Pauliina Römpötti

Developing the content of the Greenfulness nature wellness method and testing the method in test groups


€ 12.000 

Virpi Tallqvist

Prosperity from Yoga - Yoga for elementary schools


€ 1.500

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